Follow the rules of the road
Same rights and responsibilities as drivers-ride with traffic flow
Obey all traffic laws. If at a stop light and no traffic around (90 seconds) cyclists may ride through light. In a rural setting at a stop sign, if no cars cyclists may ride through if no traffic
Ride single file, may ride 2 abreast if not impeding traffic
3-foot rule between cyclists and cars
Be Predictable
Do not swerve, ride in a straight line
Give signals 3 seconds ahead to turn or stop (left turn-left arm out straight, right turn-left arm bent and hand upward OR right arm out straight, Stop-left arm bent and hand extended down).
No sudden stops
Be Conspicuous
Wear bright clothing
Tail lights and head lamps dusk and dawn and heave traffic
Make eye contact with drivers
Think ahead-Be prepared
Pay attention to surroundings-car doors, potholes, road conditions, drivers, pedestrians, rocks, road debris, train tracks etc…
Have a repair kit, tube, pump, tire levers and Allen wrench with you
Have a credit card, ID, band aids, Tylenol
Adequate water and food for your planned ride
Extra clothing depending on weather conditions
Ride Ready
ABC checks: A-air in tires, B-breaks in good working condition, C-chain is lubed
Helmet fits properly
Wear proper bike clothing- shammy is a must have! Shammy cream is a good idea too. Wear gloves if preferred.
Bike is properly adjusted - “bike fit”
Tips for Successful Riding
Body Position
Relaxed face, shoulders down away from ears
Elbows bent but tucked in (not flapping out like on mountain bikes)
Straight and neutral spine
Knees tracking over the ball of your foot/pedals
Upper body is still-no bobbing of head or shoulders...keep soft and calm
Vision: where you look is where you will go, look at surroundings and traffic, pay attention, look through turns to where you’re going.
Stable/engaged core
Hand Position
Keep hands light, straight wrists
Drops are good for downhill -this lowers your center of gravity and adds traction and balance while riding downhill and gives better grip on the brakes
Mostly ride with hands on the “hoods” where you can easily brake and maintain a relaxed position
Top of the bars only when climbing and without traffic around.
Pedal Stroke
Goal is to be efficient with power
Pedal in “circles” and not “squares”....power throughout the whole stroke - point and scrape (practice one leg at a time.)
Keep it smooth (practice this at a high gear and fast cadence)
Bike Handling
Practice in a safe place
Braking: don’t grab both brakes or the front brake on it’s own. Feather the front brake alongside using the back break
Cornering: slow down to a comfortable speed, look through the turn where you want to go, inside knee up and apply pressure to outside foot to maintain balance
When approaching a climb carry momentum up the hill and shift into an easier gear before you need it, stand up to get more power and to give your butt a break :)
The most important thing however is to just get on a bike and get outside and ride. We highly suggest finding a friend to go with....going with friends make it more fun, and chances are you'll go faster and further!
I loved joining your Alpine Loop ride last May and was hoping you would do that again this year. Any plans to do that? Kathy J.